Thursday, September 6, 2007

Some useful information

Hi class!
I was looking for information about Diet and Smoking for this new unit we have just started (Global Studies) when i found this very intersting page:
This page is about health and it hve it's own for Adults, Kids and Teenagers. I think it's useful and intersting because it teaches you a lot of things, like the risks of smooking, alcohol and drugs in teens, and it gives you advices for a good diet and there is also e test you can take to know if your are addecuate growing. Enjoy it!!!


Alina Teran said...

Thank you Agustin for sharing this with us!!!. Try to read as much as you can about this issue. I want you to give a very good presentation. Besides, the more you get to know about this , the better. Being informed is THE BEST WAY TO AVOID FUTURE ADDICTIONS.

Juan C.G. said...

Thats really good information, it says a lot of things to care out yourself. :)