Wednesday, June 13, 2007


DVD SESSION: “Smallville: Craving”(Season 1- episode 7)
Designed by: Prof. Alina Teràn
A.Why are these key words relevant to the plot in this episode?
Jodi/Lana`s birthday party Scrapbook/ top models Jodi / plan
Scale/ bathroom Lex / medical test Smallville/ Luthor Corp
Lana / Lex mansion Whitney/ Kansas State University Jodi/ Pete
Clark/ give himself away Clark/ escort Jodi/ binge eating.
Car accident / deer Deer/ liposuction Jodi/ revenge
Lana/happiest birthday/ drive-in Dr Hamilton/ Lex Whitney / scholarship
Jodi/ body fat Greenhouse/Clark/ Jodi Lex/18/coat-room
Lex /blackmail/Dr Hamilton Clark /Lana`s gift

B.Almost at the beginning of the episode there is a scene when Jodi discovers the power of the vegetable shake . Listen to the song and fill in the gaps:

Even on a day like _____,
When you’re _________ on the floor
Reaching for the ________
To ring anyone who knows you anymore
It’s all right to make ___________
You’re only human
Inside everybody’s __________ something
Staring at the same four _________
Have you tried to ___________ yourself
The _________ around your eyes,
They don’t __________
That you need to get some __________
It’s all _________ to make mistakes
You’re only human
Inside everybody’s hiding _________
Take time to catch your ___________
And choose your moment
Don’t slide
Even at a time like this
When the morning _________ so far
Think that __________ belongs to you
But it has happened to us ________
It’s all right to make ________
You’re _________ human
Inside everybody’s __________ something
Take _______ to catch your ________
And _________ your moment
Don’t slide
You brought this on _____________
And it’s high time you _________ it there
Lie here and ________ your head
And __________ of something else instead
Don’t slide...

C.Why do you think this song is so meaningful to the plot?

D. Here are some quotes from the lyrics. Explain how they are relevant to the series:

“... inside everybody’s hiding something....”
“...You’re only human...”

E. Read the dialogue below, then answer the questions:

Clark: Most of my friends are trying to get out of high school...

Lex: I was meeting with your principal. Apparently you guys are in need of a new computing lab. I figured that I could help....

Clark: They might even name a lunch special after you. How did you end up here?.

Lex: My plant manager, Gabe, said something was going on with her daughter, a reporter of The Torch. Thought I`d just drop by and say hello. She wasn’t around but I was struck by this....

Clark: That’s Cloe`s hobby. She thinks she can trace all the strange things after the meteor shower.

Lex: Interesting theory.

Clark: Most people think it’s crazy.

Lex: Do you remember where you were when they fell?

Clark: Not really. My parents hadn’t adopted me yet.

Lex: I do, I was right here in Smallville. My Mom wanted me to share some quality time with my Dad. He brought me here on a business trip. Just a quick stop to finalise some deal. Funny how just one day can change your whole life.

Clark: What happened?

Lex: I was out in the corn field when the first meteor hit. It was like a tidal wave coming up to me. Then everything went black. Next thing I remember was waking up in Metropolis General Hospital, completely bald.

Clark: Lex, I didn’t know...

Lex: Not many people do, Clark. I should have died that day and instead, I walked away like this....

Clark: I`m sorry...

Lex: Why? It is not your fault.... When I was younger, I thought it was a curse. Kids figured I was a freak around chemo. But then I began to see it as my gift. The thing that defined me, that gave me strength.

Clark: Do you ever wonder what would it be like if you hadn’t come that day?.

Lex: It doesn’t matter, Clark. It happened.
Personally, I think the future is gonna be much brighter that that little spoiled brat that walked into that corn field.

F. This scene is one of the most important in this season. It explains the further actions of the main characters. Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions below orally. Share your opinion wiht the class:

1. Both Clark and Lex tell lies in this conversation. When? why do they do such a thing if they regard themselves as friends?

2. Think of your friends, do you keep certain things to yourself? Do you agree that everybody has something to hide? Why?

3. Can you build a relationship when there are hidden secrets? Is that a true relationship if there are things you keep for yourself? What about trust?

4. What does Lex think about his physical appearance? Compare it with Jodi`s opinion about herself.

5. What important lesson does Lex teach Clark in this chat regarding their past and their expectations about the future?

G. Choose one of these questions and write an essay giving your personal view on the matter. State examples from the episode/s seen in class.

H. Read the quotes below and see if you can figure out the missing words. Then state who said so, when and why:

“ It`s not just the _______.... it`s everything...nobody likes me, why should they?... I`m a ________!
“Cutting off the heads of`s kind of ___________, isn`t it?.”

“We can buy you __________..”

“losing weight is never ________________”.

“Hey, Ross, we’ve got a little game in, you wonna play or do you want to keep on __________________...”.

“I`m tired of waiting, waiting and ____________ and keeping a diary of everything I eat so that I don’t feel guilty if I have an extra grape!”.

“If she could do that, half of the school would be ________that!”.

“Promise you will _________ it this time”.

“you know what, I will. I’m ____________ counting calories!”

10.”Getting your ___________ Lana Doses?”.

11. “It`s Lex. Clark was just telling me about your interesting meteor theory . I like it , specially when people think that my company is secretly ___________ everything that goes wrong in Smallville.”

12. “I don’t have to__________ everything”.

I. At the end of this episode , when Clark gives Lana her birthday present, this song is played. Listen to it, fill in the missing words and then state why was this song chose for the ending of this episode.

“HERO” by Enrique Iglesias.
Let me be your hero,
Would you _______ if I asked you to dance?,
Would you run and never look ________?
Would you cry if you saw me _____________?
Would you save my __________ tonight?

Would you tremble if I touched your ­­­­­_________?
Would you _________,?
Oh, please tell me ________.
Now would you die for the one you _________?
Would you hold me in your arms tonight?

I can be your hero, baby
I can _________ away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my _______ away.

Would you ________ that you’ll always be mine?
Would you ______, would you run away?
Am I ______ too deep?
Have I ________ my mind?
I don’t care, your`re here tonight.


I just want to hold you (x2)
Am I __________ too deep?
Have I ________ my mind?
Well, I don’t care, you`re here tonight

Chorus (x2)

You can take my _______ away
I can be your hero...

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