Friday, June 22, 2007


Hi, you all, I think I´m the 3rd member to register in the blog.Miss don´t you think it would be very funny to record the presentations of Tuesday and then post them on the blog?xD
P.D: Don´t take it seriously, it was only a joke because I know it´s going to be an embarassing moment (I dont know if embarassing is the word didn´t remember how to say vergonzoso in English) :)

1 comment:

Alina Teran said...

Hi Matias!! welcome to our blog! Hey, it is a great idea, we have to get a video camera, it would be so great to post your clips here. You shouldn`t be embarassed, this is our place, we should feel free!!
Thank you for your contributions and remember, you are always welcome!!
Miss Alina;)