Saturday, June 23, 2007


After watching this episode we can analyse many topics, not only the sexy teacher who seduces everyone. The thing is that after the incidents that happened in the last few weeks where most of you participated, I thought it would be nice to connect them with the plot of this episode. See if you can find this connection. Below you will find two guidelines
1- To start the name of this episode is "HEAT", this has to do with the capacity to use our senses before making important decisions. Sometimes in the HEAT of the moment we say things and do things we tend to regret later because we don`t use our senses and we follow our impulses.
2- Then another important issue is the capacity to seperate things and trust our heart. Martha Kent gave an important lesson to Lex at the Talon. Do you remamber the scene?.
Go ever the episode and post a comment for next Thursday 28th June


Matiu said...

I think that when we must take decisions we have to trust our heart and not to be very influenced by bad things that people tell us to do.For example when the teacher tells Jonatahan that he has to kill Lex for her

Agucho S. said...

I think some aspects at the episode have to do with the problems happened the last week because it's true that sometimes we give up toward our feelings and really don't think of what we are doing. For example at the episode Lex got upset with Clak because what Desire had told him, and really he didn't take into account the facts and trues Clark was giving of her. He belived more his new-recientknown-hot-wife than Clark his real friend who supported him always and had saved his life.
Or we else sometimes justify our accions on what we can hear from those who didn't really pertipate in the fact, and make sirious mistakes like losing a friend. Like clar's and lex's argument caused by Desire.

Anonymous said...

I think that the chapter we saw is telling us that we dont have to do things for other people for a kiss or something because we can hurt someone and he or she would never trust any more in us.

yellowsubmarine said...
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yellowsubmarine said...

I thik that Martha Kent teached Lex in what people he have to trust or not...she wanted Lex to realize Clark was his friend and only wanted to help him...

Moncho said...

How sexy was that teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I think that Lex is beginig to became bad with clark, cause till this moment he began to tr eat bad Clarkcito.... Desireè was the name of that girl.... Juan Cruz must past before today otherwhise Miss ALina : Kick Imanol... nah joke...