Monday, June 25, 2007

Sofia López Rubio

Hello!I think that the connection with the problems that happened last week and Smallville's episode is that people think that if they don't do what people think it is cool they will be outsiders.For example, in Smallville, Lex did everything that his wife told him to do(without knowing she had special powers), and last week the people that had the row, in my opinion, had someone that told them to quarrel and said horrible things.So, instead of helping to solve the problem they made it bigger and bigger...

1 comment:

Alina Teran said...

I agree with you Sofi, that is why we must think twice before making any judgement.
Thank you Sofi for you comment. Can I ask you to go over it and check it , because there are a couple of mistakes?
Thank you for blogging and I hope to hear from you soon!!